Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D`s
Yuu Gi Ou: Duel Monsters 5DS


Yuusei Fudou is on the hunt for the things that were taken from him. Riding Duels, the pinnacle of amusement for the citizens of Neo Domino City, represent the evolution of the dueling world. They are played on D-Wheels, a combination of motorcycles and Duel Disks. After the mechanically adept Yuusei created his own D-Wheel, his old friend Jack Atlas stole it along with Yuusei's strongest card, Stardust Dragon, and fled to Neo Domino City from their decaying city of Satellite. Jack has become the leading duelist in the two years that have passed since that time, while Yuusei has been getting ready with the aid of his companions. Now that his new D-Wheel is complete, he departs towards Neo Domino City with the sole objective of locating Jack. Unbeknownst to any of them, puppeteers are manipulating events in a much larger way than they can possibly comprehend.